Woman Made Well PLLC (Company) Refund Policy for Online Courses

Last updated: 05/21/2024




A customer who has purchased a product from Woman Made Well is entitled to a refund of payment for the product if Customer fulfills all of the following: 1. Customer has fully engaged with all components of the product -- specifically has watched all the videos, has filled out the worksheets, and has participated in the facebook group. 2. Customer informs Company by mail or email that Customer has fully engaged with the course content, remains unsatisfied that the course has fulfilled its objectives for Customer, and requests a refund of payment. 3. Company receives customer's request for refund within 14 days calendar days of purchase.

Company remains committed to its customers' complete satisfaction. Company reserves the option to attempt to remedy Customer's dissatisfaction with the product before issuing refund.

Refund shall be limited to the payment received by Company from the Customer for the product in question, minus all credit card processing fees incurred by Company for Customer's purchase and refund.  

Upon refund, Customer's access to the course and to the facebook community shall be removed. 

Questions about the refund policy, or requests for refund, should be sent to the Company at [email protected]. Company's contact information is written below:

Woman Made Well

530 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85012
