The Breastfeeding Myth

breastfeeding Sep 03, 2024

Breastfeeding is sometimes talked about like it’s the most natural, intuitive and easy thing in the world… and sometimes, it can be! But more often than not, it’s a challenging experience for new moms.

With perseverance, most will succeed! 🌟

But keep in mind that sometimes there are cases where, even if you do EVERYTHING 100% right, it still won’t work.

Here are some tips to line things up in your favor:

  1. Gel pads are a life saver. Keep them in the freezer and place after every feed.
  2. Lanolin Nipple Cream. Apply every feed. You just need one bottle but it will make all the difference.
  3. Keep your water bottle and your phone close before you start nursing. The phone is for a timer and for entertainment.
  4. Remember this is one of the hardest things you will ever do!  Your hard work will pay off. If your supply comes in and baby is nursing effectively, in a month nursing will be a dream.

Finally, remember that what's important is that baby gets fed, even if that looks different from your expectations.

No matter how you make that happen - you’re still a good mom 💗



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