Postpartum Anxiety

anxiety Sep 12, 2024

Postpartum anxiety is very common.

Studies have shown that postpartum anxiety affects up to 21% of new moms. The actual number is probably a lot higher, as many moms don't know that this is what they're experiencing!

Below is a list of common postpartum anxiety symptoms:

  1. Consistently feeling like you're on edge and something will go wrong.
  2. Being overly cautions about situations that aren't dangerous.
  3. Feeling panicked about leaving your baby alone with someone you trust.
  4. Avoiding leaving the house because of your worries.
  5. Staying awake at night because you're afraid for your baby.
  6. Other symptoms of anxiety, like loss of appetite, irritability, muscle tension, forgetfulness, and more.

If you're a mom - not necessarily a mom of a newborn, but any mom - with any of these symptoms, it's important to get support. I invite you to watch my free webinar, Postpartum Reboot, as the perfect place to start.



How To Overcome (Or Prevent) Postpartum Blues, Depression, Or Anxiety By Rebuilding Your Mental Health Foundation

By Dr. Candice Wood

You Can Watch This <30 min Webinar Right Away - It's Free!

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