How To Get Enough Sleep As A New Mom

sleep Aug 27, 2024
Mother in bed getting sleep.

Sleep deprivation is a major cause of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. Lack of sleep is one of the most common issues I hear from new moms at my clinic. 

Let's face it, getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is not realistic for a while. But keep your eye on the prize, before you know it baby may be sleeping 12 hours at night!  That's right, sleeping half the day!

In the meantime, maximizing your sleep opportunities is crucial for your physical and mental health. Here are some slumbering self-care suggestions to help you squeeze in some extra zzz's:

  1. Sleep When The Baby Is Sleeping. Take advantage of any downtime and let yourself catch up on some much-needed sleep while you can. It's ok, the chores can wait!
  2. Accept Help From Family & Friends. Have them watch your baby during the day so you can sleep, since you likely won't have that luxury at night.
  3. Tag Team With Your Partner. For example, have them take the first stretch from 8pm to 1 am, and then you take over from 1am to 6am.  This way, you both get longer stretches of those crucial REM and deep sleep cycles. 
  4. Start A Bedtime Routine.  Start bedtime routines early to signal to your baby that it is time to wind down.

"But wait, the baby is asleep and I am sleep-deprived, but I still have trouble falling asleep!"  I got you!  If you have trouble falling asleep:

  1. Try magnesium supplements for trouble falling asleep.
  2. Listen to sleep stories to clear your head before bed.
  3. Make sure your sleeping room is as dark as possible.
  4. Try nursing or feeding baby in a location other than your bed, so that your brain knows that bed is for sleep. 



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